Fall festivals are the same no matter what country you are in; lots of food and huge pumpkins.

Lots of trick-or-treat items are for sale. I've seen more in the department stores rather than places that would be comparable to Wal-mart. These items were for sale in Starbucks. I'm curious; those of you who frequent this coffee shop, have you seen these same items?

Krispy Kreme fans; you would be glad to know that you don't have to go far without getting your hot doughnut; they are favored by the Japanese.
Some of you had asked about Halloween; if it was observed or not. Well, I'm not sure if they think of it as Halloween or just something to do in the fall . These jack-o-lanterns were hanging from a lamp post downtown Tokyo near the Imperial Palace.
Krispy Kreme fans; you would be glad to know that you don't have to go far without getting your hot doughnut; they are favored by the Japanese.
The children don't go "trick-or- treating" as they do in the states. They dress up in their costumes and just walk around. Last night we saw a group of them on the street dressed as witches, the preferred costume, and having lots of fun. It does appear that they have modeled their observance after the U.S.