Our 9 weeks with the summer interns is officially over and during this time we hosted over 300 volunteeers. With their help, 250,000 Gospel tracts were distributed along with many personal contacts made.
Left to right: Amanda, Kameryn, Dan, Julia, Jonathan, Jordan, Martin, and Melanie.
Of the three college interns: Amanda will be getting married in December and plans to go on into full-time missions with her husband; Melanie will be beginning her post- graduate degree in family counseling; and Dan will be working on his nursing degree with future work on the mission field. Of the high school interns : Jonathan will be a college freshman this fall and will pursue a degree in medicine; Kameryn, will be a senior in high school and Jordan will be a junior.

Above, I am holding a "sayonara" scroll doll which each intern received. Over a period of several days, all of the team members had an opportunity to put into writing, what each person had meant personally. It was hard to capsulize 9 weeks of work and experiences. (And there were the others on other teams that we had become very fond of!)
Our prayer for these young adults is to stay true to their beliefs and continue their close walk with God. As in Psalm 125 where it talks of the mountains surrounding Jerusalem, so God surrounds His people.It is our prayer that God will surround these young men and women.
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